Automation and Motion Control Blog

Customer Problem Solving Equals Great Customer Service

Written by Mark Howe | Aug 1, 2011 12:04:00 PM

Post Written by Ted Orlowski

Customer service is about treating the customer the way you would want to be treated. Recently we were able to partner with a vendor to help our customer out of sticky situation they had with their client. Interaction is not a linear relationship and consists of multiple layers.

Recently, one of our customers needed to add to an existing order of two repair kits and get the additional one sent immediately to their customer. The problem was it did not meet the vendor's minimum charge for processing orders, but once we explained the situation to our vendor we were able to add the extra kit on to the old existing order thus helping out our customer without any additional charges.

Communication through all channels made this transaction successful and cost-effective for the customer.

Why is keeping all channels of communication open important?

  •     Customer satisfaction. If our clients aren't able to deliver, then its impossible to get complete customer satisfactions on every layer of the transaction. They also need to be able to deliver value to their customers as well
We bring value to our customers through our experience and the rapport we have developed with our vendors over the past 59 years.