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Industrial Automation and Motion Control Blog | The Knotts Company

Mastering Factory Automation: Workshop Benefits

Posted by Mark Howe

May 29, 2024 12:29:00 PM

Unlock the potential of factory automation and elevate your manufacturing operations through educational workshops.

Join us for the ultimate robotic adventure at Knotts "On the Road" 2024 Robotic Tour in South Jersey!

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Workpiece handling on the next level

Posted by Mark Howe

Jan 18, 2024 8:30:00 AM

In a modern production plant, grippers perform various handling tasks. Here, different workpieces also place different demands on gripping technology. The latest gripper generation from SCHUNK meets these requirements for flexibility with gripping modes that can be adapted to the workpiece parameters. For this purpose, the automation specialist has developed a new electronics and software platform that is being continuously developed.

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Topics: SCHUNK

ADHESIVE AND SEALANT INSPECTION with Gocator Line Profile Sensors

Posted by Mark Howe

Jan 15, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Post written by LMI Technologies

The inspection of adhesives and sealants (typically applied as beads) is a critical quality control step in the assembly of electronics. To meet this challenge, Gocator all-in-one 3D smart sensors offer a complete solution to ensure correct bead volume and location without overflow or breaks.

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Topics: LMI

How 3D Works - Laser Triangulation vs. Structured Light

Posted by Mark Howe

Jan 8, 2024 8:15:00 AM


A laser triangulation sensor projects a laser pattern from the sensor onto the surface of an object, and images the surface with a camera or receiver array. A processor determines the location of the imaged laser on the camera and calculates the distance from the sensor to the surface.

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Topics: LMI

Collaborative robots in laboratory automation | Universal Robots

Posted by Mark Howe

Jan 4, 2024 9:15:00 AM

Post written by Joe Campbell at Universal Robots

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5 Benefits of Automating Food Packaging Processes with Dorner

Posted by Mark Howe

Jan 2, 2024 9:51:00 AM

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Topics: Dorner Conveyors,

Save Space and Simplify Operations with Dorner Elevation Conveyors

Posted by Mark Howe

Dec 20, 2023 8:00:00 AM

In modern manufacturing facilities, space is premium, and every piece of equipment must work in sync with other machinery and staff for an efficient and productive use of space. Conveyors can help make the most of the available space in a facility but also require a lot of space.

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Topics: Dorner Conveyors,

Guide to a Success Cobot Deployment

Posted by Mark Howe

Nov 27, 2023 9:00:00 AM


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Topics: Universal Robots

Knotts Team Spotlight Turns to Maria Santiago

Posted by Mark Howe

Apr 30, 2021 10:45:45 AM

This month our employee spotlight turns to Maria Santiago. Maria has been a member of the Knotts Company Sales Department for almost 2 years. As a Robotic Solutions Manager, she helps Knotts Company customers identify collaborative robot solutions to automate their applications. Maria spends a lot of time on-site with our customers getting to know their specific needs so that she can make recommendations to help increase productivity and reduce operating expenses.
Name: Maria Santiago 
Department: Sales
Title: Robotic Solutions Manager  
Time at Knotts: 2 years
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Topics: The Knotts Company, The Knotts Co

How Cobots Are Helping Pharma/Life Science Companies During COVID-19

Posted by Mark Howe

Apr 21, 2021 12:24:43 PM

Rapid technological advancement has already introduced many sectors to the benefits of collaborative automation, but the COVID-19 pandemic has seen that accelerate.

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Topics: automation, cobot, Universal Robots, cobots, pharmaceuticals, life science, covid