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Industrial Automation and Motion Control Blog | The Knotts Company

Robots in Research

Posted by Kelly Howe

Oct 31, 2017 9:00:00 AM

This post is brought to you by Universal Robots.

Taking human-robot-collaboration to a new level

Too dirty, too dusty, too dull? Too hot or too cold? Not for cobots! They can work tirelessly in almost any work environment from production halls and canteen kitchens to clean rooms, freeing up their human colleagues from monotonous, ergonomically disadvantageous tasks. Scientists at Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Freiberg University of Mining and Technology) in Germany are currently working on two exciting projects to find new ways of how cobots can make the lives of their human colleagues easier: One is testing how cobots can learn from humans only by watching them performing a task. The second one is exploring in which ways robots can serve in the dangerous work environment of underground mining.

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Topics: Robots, collaborative robots, cobot, Universal Robots, cobots, UR5, Legos