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Industrial Automation and Motion Control Blog | The Knotts Company

Dorner's Rejecting Questionable Products

Posted by Kelly Howe

Aug 20, 2015 8:28:34 AM

This post is brought to you by Dorner.

Safety is a major concern in the food manufacturing process. Manufactures want to make sure that all the food on their line is safe and not contaminated with metal or other foreign objects. When manufacturers want to make sure they have no metal in their products they use metal detection systems on the conveyor line. Why type of system you choose is totally dependent on your needs and application.

When products pass through the metal detection system and are found to be contaminated how should they be removed from the line? Rejection conveyor systems can vary widely. They can be as low-tech as just stopping the line and sounding an alarm until someone can remove the questionable product. This is a good option for production lines where there is room and time for someone to always be near the detection system. Once the product is removed the line will start again until the metal detector finds another questionable product.

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Topics: dorner, Sanitation, 7X Series Conveyor