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Industrial Automation and Motion Control Blog | The Knotts Company

Dorner's Withstanding the Rigors of Industrial Environments

Posted by Kelly Howe

Jul 16, 2015 1:41:07 PM

This post brought to you by Dorner.

Manufacturing is a tough environment for machines. The dust, chemicals, and sharp parts found in many manufacturing facilities take their toll on machinery. Often time companies will take the care to maintain and protect the large multi-million dollar machinery in their facilities but forget about keeping up with maintenance on smaller machines, like conveyors. Conveyors serve a variety of functions in the manufacturing process and are invaluable in keeping products moving from one part of the facility to the next. They can be used to move scraps or parts out from underneath or in machines, move parts from one machine to another, and more. During these applications conveyors can incur a lot of wear, especially to their belts.

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Topics: Dorner Conveyors,, Belts, modular plastic belts