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Industrial Automation and Motion Control Blog | The Knotts Company

Ancora Imparo: The Key to Knowledge and Improvement

Posted by Mark Guida

Apr 8, 2011 9:33:00 AM

In order to differentiate yourself from the competition, you must engage in life-long learning.  Even if you are currently at the top of your game and leaving your competitors in the dust, you won’t be for long.  Every day new technologies, products, and ideas are reshaping the way we do business and interact with each other.  Just think about the fact that you are reading a blog post on the internet that only five years ago could have been only a random emailed message with no real target audience.  If you go back ten years, you would be throwing a postcard in the trash without even giving it a second look.  To say that stagnation and complacency are dangerous is an understatement.

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Topics: resource, external resource, outsource, outsourcing, technology, core competencies, learning, improvement