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Industrial Automation and Motion Control Blog | The Knotts Company

Getting Started with Robotiq

Posted by Mark Howe on December 20, 2018 02:43 PM

Robotiq Logo

When we seek Partners, we have some qualifiers. They must:

  • Solve an automation or manufacturing challenge
  • Offer solid, sturdy technical equipment 
  • Have excellent customer service and offer warranties
  • Be user friendly and quick to install

With Robotiq, we were impressed in all these areas. 

Most recently, we've appreciated their efforts on the customer education front. In these videos, Robotiq shares how to get started with their Gripper. It's well worth a few minutes to watch these, especially if you're considering acquiring one. These will show you how easy it can be to set the gripper up, then program it to your specifications.

Lesson 1: Set Up Your Robotiq Gripper

Robotiq-lesson 1

Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Programming


As always, we are here to help you think through the possibilities of how this technology can be applied to your unique environment. You can call us 908-464-4800 or write to

Topics: automation solutions, automation, grippers, gripper, Robotiq